Trucking Management System

HWY Logistics Inc / Everrank Express Inc

New Posts

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Edit Logs Function (編輯日誌功能)

New additional feature - edit logs function is now available.
Edit Logs is a transaction log that records the changes for your shipment reords.
This feature allows to show who made changes and what changes were made.

Please contact us about adding the feature to your account, additional monthly fee may apply.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Truck Driver Dispatch

New automatic shipment status triggers are added. Now you can specify automatic shipment status change for following truck driver actions.
When: Dispatch request is accepted, declined, started and completed.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Invoice Item Display Sequence

Now you adjust the invoice items display sequence shown on the invoice entry page.
Please read the attached document below for details.


Previous Posts

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System Update: Customer Copy Function

Now you can create new customer profile by copying existing one.
It copies all existing profile information including its delivery locations and invoice templates if any.
To copy, edit your desired customer profile and simply click "Copy" button.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

Important Notice: Undefined Issue for Selection Box

If you input new shipment status and encounter error when you select status from the selction box. Please follow the
steps described in the document to fix the problems. Let us know if you still have any questions.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer/Delivery Location Selection

In some cases, you would like to hide some customers or delivery locations from the selection box because they are no longer in use or invalid.
Since we need to maintain data integrity, you can now change the status of customer or delivery location profile in order to make them appear in the selection list or not.
Please read the document for details.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Container List Search Feature

Container list searching feature is now available in shipment dashboard.
Please read the attached document for details.
Container List Search   

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: New Invoice Lookup Function

New invoice lookup function is now available, you can now search invoice by invoice item description and its amount.
You can find it in Reports menu -> Invoice Lookup
Invoice Lookup   

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Dashboard update

You can now update most of the columns in dashboard, simply click the data cell and
input the value you update then save without changing them inside the shipment details page.
Dashboard update   

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Overweight Warning Setup

You can set up the system displaying warning message when the weight of the shipment is over the threshold you specified.
Please read the attached document for details.
Setup Overweight Warning   

New Posts

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Import your shipment records in batch

System is now able to allow you to import shipment records in batch. Simply prepare the data in a excel file according to our required format.
Upload the file and the system will import them for you without inputting them one by one.

This new feature is now available to sign up for an additional monthly fee. Please contact us for details.
Please read the attached specification and sample excel file.
Batch shipment upload by excel file    Sample excel file   

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Company Chassis Number - Location and Available Date

You can now input chassis location and available date time for a company chassis number.
Please read the document for details. Chassis Number - Location and Available Date

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Profile Delivery Hours

You can now delivery hours for a customer delivery location.
Shipment page delivery date time will be copied according to the value you set in delivery location profile.
Please read the document for details. Profile Delivery Hours Document

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Company Chassis Number New Features

You can now manually release or disable a chassis number.
History logs showing when and who updates a chassis number status is also available.
Company Chassis Number Document

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Secondary Delivery Address  

Secondary Delivery Address input is now available in shipment input page.
Please contact us to enable this new feature

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Advance features - QuickBooks Interface  

Good news if you are using QuickBooks for your financial management !
Now you can export invoices data from our system and import to your QuickBooks.

This features is good for QuickBooks Online version (
If you are using other version of QuickBooks, please let us know and we can look into it.

Please contact us for adding this feature to your account.
Monthly fees will apply depending your account type.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Alternative Customer Statement Layout

Alternative statement layout is available, please read the document for details,
contact us if you're interested in switching to new layout.
Alternative Statement Layout

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Dashboard Searching

Now you can search container records using invoice number.
Noted that full invoice number is required.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Invoice List - Enhanced Features

Noted that Invoice List function has been enhanced with additional columns and bank receipt input function.
Please click following document for details.
Invoice List Enhanced Features

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Quotation Copy to Invoice Template

Noted that you can now apply/copy quotation to invoice template of selected delivery location.
Please click following document for details.
Quotation Copy User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: CTF Charge

Noted that CTF Charge (similar to Pier Pass) input field is added to shipment input.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer Quotation

Noted that you can now create customer quotation from the system.
Please click following document for details.
Customer Quotation User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer Delivery Location

Open hours and contact email input fields are added to customer delivery location.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Batch Input

Appointment date time batch update is now available too.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: New Bank Transaction Report

New bank transaction report is added.
The report lists bank payment or receipt transactions for selected date range and billing account.
To access the report, menu -> Report -> Bank Transaction Report

Recent Posts

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Pier Pass and LFD

Pier Pass Amount, Text and Paid Flag can now be updated from dashboard.
You can also update LFD directly on dashboard. (Click LFD cell if it is blank originally).

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: On Hired Input Field

Noted that On Hired Input field is now moved to under RT Location.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Container Number Locked

To prevent container number accidentally being changed, container number field will be LOCKED after shipment is created.
You will need to click "Unlock" icon explicitly before you can change it.
See the screen shot below of how the unlock button looks like.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Terminal filtering in Dashboard

Terminal filtering option is added to dashboard shipment list.
Simply select particular terminal to filter your list.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Chassis Fee Auto Calculation

Noted that chassis fee can be calculated automatically based on shipment pickup and empty returned date.
Please click following document for details.
Chassis Fee Calculation User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer Invoice Template

Revised document for instructions of creating invoice template for customer.
Please click following document for details.
Customer Invoice Template User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Container Numbers Copy and Paste

You can copy and paste container number(s) in batch button now. Click document below for details.
Container Numbers Clipboard

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Batch Button New Features

Now you can add shipment status to multiple shipment at one time.
Read our Batch Update Button instructions.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: New Driver Dispatch Schedule Format

Driver Dispatch Schedule report format has been enhanced. Please review the report.
Menu -> Reports -> Driver Dispatch Schedule

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Batch Update Button

New feature is added to allow you to update multiple containers
Please click following document for details.
Batch Update Button User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Pier Pass Paid Shipment

New filter is added to shipment dashboard showing shipment with pier pass paid only.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer Portal Page

New feature is added to allow your customers to login their own portal page and view their own shipment and invoice information
Please click following document for details.
Customer Portal Page User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: New Data Input - On Hired

Noted that new data input field - On Hired is now available

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Blink Date Alert

New feature is added to alert LFD and LFDR (Perdiem)
Date will be blinking 1 day before it arrives.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Return Date Input

New feature is added to allow you specify time (HH/MM) for return date.
Additional remarks input field is added also.
Email us if you have any questions.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Settlement Statement

New feature is added to allow you to print settlement statement for bank receipt.
Please click following document for details.
Settlement Statements User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Charge code - City Rate

New feature is added to allow you to create charge item rate by city.
Please click following document for details.
Charge Code City Rate User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Invoice Billing Date Default

Default invoice billing date can set to delivery date from the shipment instead of current system date.
Please contact us to activate this feature for your account.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Invoice List Report

New report - invoice list report is added to show invoices in the system for selected billing date range.
To access the report, select "Invoice List Report" under "REPORT" menu.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Company Chassis Number Control

New feature is added to control your own company chassis number.
Please click following document for details.
Company Chassis Number User Guide

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Customer Statement

For customer statement email version, customer is now able to view individual invoice by clicking invoice number in the statement.
This applies to email version of customer statement.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: List Shipment by Truck Driver

You can now list shipment by truck driver.
Simply select truck driver in the selection box and it shows all shipment with truck driver associated with.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: LTL Shipment

Noted that LTL Shipment is now available upon request.
Please contact us for details.

Eric Ferraiuolo's avatar

System Update: Server Upgraded

Noted that our server has been upgraded to make your access faster and better performance.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership.